Unscramble Words Project

Unscramble Words Project is developing best and fastest word unscrambler.

How Unscrambling Words Works?

Several different methods can be used to find words derived from scrambled letters. One of them is permutation. Permutation uses the available letter list to place each letter in its place within the individual word to see if an appropriate word has been formed. For example, if we have the letters a, b and r {a, b, r} {a, r, b} {b, a, r} {b, r, a} {r, a, b} {r, b, a} is tested to create a meaningful word. As can be seen, such an approach creates problems as the number of letters increases. Because the number of possible possibilities increases exponentially. For example, in a 9-letter list, 362880 possibilities have to be tested individually. Another way to solve this problem is to note down the number of letters in a word and search through this list. So how does this method work? We write the letter numbers of each word in a database to form a row. For example, the word unscramble will create a line such as a: 0, b: 1, c: 1, d: 0, e: 1 ... n: 1, m: 1, o: 0 ... u: 1. All we have to do is remove the number of letters in the word that needs to be solved and find the words that contain the least number of letters and less in this list. It is possible to do this by writing a long query with the database we use. This method is fast and does not change the complexity regardless of word length and always produces the same performance results.

How you can use word unscramblers?

Nowadays there are many mobile word games. In these word games, word solvers can be used to gain competitive advantage over your friends. This will expand your vocabulary by learning new words.

What is anagram?

Anagram is a word that is written with the same letters but has a different meaning when the letters are changed. With the use of vocabulary techniques we can also find anagrams. Unscramble words

Methods for finding words from scrambled letters

Following jumbled words makes totally no sense but unscrambling letters really makes difference. So, what methods can be used in order to find correct positions of letters in scrambled word?

  • Using a dictionary

    You can use a dictionary to find correct words. For instance if your unscrambled word is "eanrcf";

    1. First go to letter "e" and try to find 6 letter word starts with "e".
    2. Since "e" is a vowel, continue by placing the next consonant in the queue which is letter "n".
    3. Repeat this method with next vowel and try to find if there is a matching word.
    4. If you are out of vowels or consonants start from scratch and go to step 1 but this time select second letter which is letter "a" as starting point.

    You can find any unscrambled word by using a standard dictionary with this method.

  • Using a word unscrambler

    You can use a word unscrambler to find words from scrambled letters. There are lots of online sites that you can enter your rack or letter list and search. They will more or less produce results for you. One of best word unscrambler is The Unscrambled. You can also use My Word Unscrambler or Unscrambled Anagram. Those sites will help you to find better answers in quickest way.

You can find below example scrambled words. When you click the words you will see the answers and all possible words that can be made out of these letters. There are tens of words you can make by using letters given. You might wanna check if you already know every word given. We can assure you it will be fun to realize how much words even you never heard before.

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